In the middle of Helsinki center is the oldest memorial of the city, called
The Stone of the Empress. It was made by Carl Ludvig Engel in 1835.
The stone of the Empress |
Helsinki Art Museum
'The Stone of the Empress' is the oldest public
memorial in Helsinki. It was erected in the Market Square to commemorate
the Empress Alexandra's (the German-born wife of Nicholas I), first
visit to Helsinki. She visited the City in 1833 with her husband, who
came to inspect the construction of Helsinki's new centre. The memorial
is an obelisk cut in red granite. A bronze globe is set on top of the
obelisk, and the two-headed eagle of Russia.
The obelisk form, already a basic memorial type for glorifying
sculptures depicting historical events and in memorial stones during
Antiquity in Europe was adopted for 'The Stone of the Empress'. This
work is typical of the early 19th century obelisks which followed the
traditions of the Antique forms.
The stone includes the following, explanatory texts in Finnish and
Latin: "Keisarinna Alexandralle Suomen pääkaupungissa ensikerran
käyneelle XXIX.p:Touko X.p: Kesä MDCCCXXXIII. Imperatrici Alexandrae
Metropolin Finlandiae Primum Adventati die XXIX Maji X Juni
MDCCCXXXIII." The English translation reads: "To Empress Alexandra on
her first visit to the capital of Finland May 29 - June 10, 1833."
The Memorial is placed where Alexandra and Nicholas stepped ashore
from the Ischora, the steamship that brought them to Helsinki. 'The
Stone of the Empress' was unveiled on December 18, 1835 on Nicholas's
nameday. Russian sailors removed the bronze globe and two-headed eagle
on April 17, 1917. However, in 1971, they were returned.
The obelisk is one of the most common symbol freemasonry and the
Cult of Aton. "The Elite" and it's secret societies have their
origins in ancient Egypt, so obviously there are lots Egyptian motifs in their symbolism - obelisk being one of them. It is not very uncommon to see obelisks all around the world in the power centers of "the Elite". Many of these symbols of sun worship have been stolen from Egypt.
"In Egypt the obelisk stood for the very presence of the Sun God himself" - Carl Claudy (Introduction to Freemasonry)
Luxor obelisk in Paris (stolen from Egypt) |
Cleopatra's needle in London (stolen from Egypt) |
Obelisk on Saint Peter's square, Vatican (stolen from Egypt) |
Obelisk in Central Park, New York (stolen from Egypt) |
On the top of the Stone of the Empress is another very common symbol of freemasonry - the double-headed eagle. Of course the official
exoteric explanation claims that it's there because it's the double-headed eagle of Russia - honoring the visiting empress. (Finland was part of Russia that time.) It's a clever cover-up story to hide the fact that this monument is as masonic as it can get.
"They erected it to honor the empress." Yeah, right.
The stone of the Empress |
Masonic double-headed eagle |
There is another very interesting aspect to this monument too. It stands on a very precise location. One of the esoteric arts "the Elite" is interested of is the use of lay-lines and the manipulation of Earth's natural energy grid. The Stone of the Empress forms a straight line on the map with three other masonic monuments: Susisaari obelisk, statue of Alexander (on top of an obelisk) and the statue
Susisaari obelisk |
Statue of Alexander - an obelisk in the middle of four smaller obelisks |
Eagles (read more here) |
From left to right: Eagles, the statue of Alexander, the Stone of the Empress, Susisaari obelisk |
Thank you for the enlightenment :D