If you wish to understand the structure of the power pyramid of "the Elite", you have to study their chivalric orders. It is a bit of a challenge, because there are so many different orders. Frankly, it's quite impossible to see all the details of the big picture, but fortunately you don't need to. You can get a pretty good understanding of the big picture just by studying some of the most important chivalric orders.
It all began with the
Knights Templar (and
Priory of Sion) during the first crusade in the late 11th century. After that we have seen the birth of dozens and dozens of chivalric orders, which are all more or less connected to Templars. One could say these orders are kind of like subsidiary companies of the Knights Templar. After all, it's the same super rich and influential families behind all of them, just like with the major corporations of today.
When the Templars got into power struggle with the Vatican in the early 1300's, the infamous Friday 13th operation "destroyed" the Knights Templar. This is the official version of the history, but closer look into the details reveals a very different reality.
"To suggest that the 1307 attacks put paid to the order completely is to fail singularly in understanding the magnitude of the proposed task. It is also to ignore the depths to which Templar International was planted into the very earth of Europe and beyond" - Alan Butler & Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)
No, the 1307 attack was not the end of the Knights Templar. The size of the order was so huge, that it would have been impossible to destroy it. Yes, many Templars - including Grand Master Jacques de Molay - were captured, tortured and put to death, but in reality this was relatively small number of them. Majority of the members of the Knights Templar survived the attack.
Some of the Templars escaped to Scotland. In there, the order continued to exist under a new identity - the Freemasons.
"Moreover, according to a masonic tradition, an alliance definitely took place between the Templars and the masonic guilds at this period. During the proceedings taken against the Order of the Temple in France it is said that Pierre d'Aumont and seven other Knights escaped to Scotland in the guise of working masons and landed in the Island of Mull. On St. John's Day, 1307, they held their first chapter. Robert Bruce then took them under his protection, and seven years later they fought under his standard at Bannockburn against Edward II, who had suppressed their Order in England." - Nesta H. Webster (Secret Societies And Subversive Movements)
"It is important to remember that the theory of the Templar connexion with Freemasonry was held by the Continental Freemasons of the eighteenth century, who, living at the time the Order was reconstituted on its present basis, were clearly in a better position to know its origins than we who are separated from that date by a distance of two hundred years." - ibid
During the first crusade, the
Order of the Knights of Saint John was established as a sister order for the Templars. The order is also known as
Order of Saint John and
Knights Hospitaller. After the Templar purge, many of the Knight Templar joined the Knights of Saint John. Majority of the magnificent wealth of the Templars was moved to the Knights of Saint John. It is fair to say this order became the "Templars 2.0".
The emblem of the Knights of Saint John is the same double-headed eagle as the masonic emblem of the "Princes of Masonry" |
The double-headed eagle of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry |
After losing Jerusalem, the Knights of Saint John were looking for a new place for their headquarters. They found one in Rhodes, and changed their name to the
Knights of Rhodes.
But not for long. Again Muslim army forced them to leave their headquarters. Eventually king of Spain gave them the island of Malta in 1530. After that the order changed its name to its present version -
Knights of Malta.
Over time the Knights of Malta was splintered to many different factions. Today one of the most notable of them is the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta, which has its headquarters in Rome. This order is actually
sovereign . It is a country without territories, and has diplomatic relations with 108 states all over the world. It also has its own passports, vehicle registration plates and postmarks.
Must be nice to have diplomatic passports and diplomatic immunity when doing shady dealings.
SMOM passport |
Because of the many splintered factions, it is quite difficult to comprehend the organizational structure of the order today. Today the highest ranking leader of all these splintered factions is queen
Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth II in the Knights of Malta outfit |
Flag of the Knights of Malta |
Flag of England - inverted colors of the flag of Knights of Malta |
The symbol of the order is the Maltese Cross, which was inherited from the Templars. It has different versions and names, but all in all they are all Maltese Crosses.
Official Maltese Cross |
Cross pattée - another version of Maltese Cross |
Pope wearing Maltese Crosses |
Maltese Crosses in the crown of the monarch of UK |
Knights of Malta is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. Many of the most influential people of the world are members of it.
Often people who seem to be ideologically far away from each other - in public - are behind the scenes members of the same brotherhoods. The public appearance is to hide the fact that all the influential people are part of the same gang. Like George Carlin said:
"It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"
Knights of Malta is a great example of it. Don't you think it's quite strange that people like Benito Mussolini and Nelson Mandela were members of the same brotherhood? When right wingers and left wingers are brothers behind the scenes, how real is the political left-right paradigm?
Nelson Mandela in the Knights of Malta outfit |
Benito Mussolini wearing the Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta |
Maltese Cross in the Nazi flag |
Nazis called themselves the
New Templars. Many of the high ranking Nazis or Nazi collaborators, including Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler and Franz von Papen, were members of the Knights of Malta. Some openly, some secretly. Hitler's membership is somewhat disputable, but considering his subordinates were members, it's pretty safe to say he was a Knight of Malta. Hitler always wore his German iron cross (from WW1), which is a Maltese cross. You do the math.
Hermann Göring wearing his Maltese cross |
Time magazine named Hitler the man of the year in 1938. The founder of the magazine, Henry Luce, was a member of the Knights of Malta |
King Edward VIII was also a Knight of Malta. Before the WW2 British royals had very close relations with high ranking Nazis. |
Knights of Malta is behind many international organizations. One of their creations is the
Red Cross, which's logo says it all.
The red cross was the symbol of the Templars. The public appearance of the organization is humanitarian charity, but behind the scenes it's something completely different. The idea is to have an organization that does many good things to create trust with the public, which gives the cover to do horrible sinister things in the dark. Who would believe the Red Cross was involved with pedophilia, child sex trafficking or organ harvesting?
Red Cross - creation of the Knights of Malta |
Of course there are many good people working in the Red Cross - otherwise the scam would not work. But when we are looking at the top branches of the organization, there are corrupt people doing corrupt things. One example of this is the
case of the hurricane Sandy. The US Red Cross raised over $300 million for the victims of the hurricane, but no one knows where the money went. When confronted on this issue, the organization refused to give any records, arguing the information is a "trade secret", and if those details would be disclosed
"the American Red Cross would suffer competitive harm because its competitors would be able to mimic the American Red Cross's business model for an increased competitive advantage".
Let that sink in.
If you invert the colors of the Red Cross, you get the flag of Switzerland. This country was also a creation of the Knights of Malta. By creating a country with secretive banking laws, "the Elite" can do all kinds of shady dealings. Without countries like Switzerland, it would be much more difficult for "the Elite" to hide their dark deeds.
Flag of Switzerland |
The Maltese Cross is also known as the
Black Sun - a telling name for the sinister branch of the
Cult of Aton. One example of this is the oil company ARCO's logo.
ARCO logo and the Black Sun. The logo also depicts a pyramid from above. |
Another example of the Black Sun is the logo of the Smithsonian institute, which is famous for "selective" study of history.
Black Sun |
And of course there is the logo of the Jesuits. (But that's another story.)
Jesuit logo and the Black Sun |
But why the Black Sun? If you are familiar with the
history of "the Elite" and their Cult of Aton, you know it's all about Sun worship. But in the case of "the Elite", it's actually about a very specific form of Sun worship. It's about worshiping the
dark side of the Sun - also known as
"Akhenaton not only brought political havoc to his country, he brought theological havoc to the world of religious ideas as well. He and his coterie, the "Brotherhood of the Snake," did not worship light in the manner of the Druids. Their understanding of the sun and of light was not akin to that that we possess today. Judeo-Christianity is the child of Atonism and is also controlled by those elites involved in the worship of what might be referred to as "the dark side of the sun." Another word for this kind of worship is Luciferianism. Lucifer is a god of light, or rather, of the dark side of light." - Michael Tsarion (The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2)