Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Pyramids on the map

One of the most well known symbols of the Freemasons is the masonic pyramid with the all-seeing eye. It's one of the many symbols referring to the ancient Egyptian roots of "the Elite" and the Cult of Aton.

"The Elite" was kicked out of Egypt long time ago, but they haven't forgotten their roots. Ever since they've been building "new Egypt" around the world.

Buckingham Palace, London

Canberra, capital of Australia

Hampton Court Palace, London

Washington DC

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Oculus of the WTC Transportation Hub

Last year, in 2016, a new railway station World Trade Center Transportation Hub was opened replacing the old Hudson Terminal on Manhattan, New York City. The main building of the complex is called Oculus, opened on March 4th, 2016.

From Reuters:
"The newly built World Trade Center Transportation Hub, designed to resemble a dove but tasked with the job of a phoenix, opens this week, nearly 15 years after the Sept. 11 attacks left Lower Manhattan in ashes.

Oculus, the birdlike structure that is the hub’s focal point, welcomes the public on Thursday, months ahead of the expected opening of connections to 11 New York City subway lines and the underground PATH trains that link New York to New Jersey.

After Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava’s vision of a dove released into the air from a child’s hands, Oculus has a practical purpose: To rebuild a terminal that was destroyed when the Twin Towers collapsed in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. "


On exoteric level the dove is most commonly associated with peace. We all know the biblical story of Noah and the dove with the olive branch. In Christianity, the dove is also the symbol of the Holy Spirit - which is basically the hidden and downplayed feminine aspect of the Holy Trinity.

In older traditions, the dove was a goddess symbol. Venus (or Aphrodite), Ishtar, Astarte and Sophia of the Gnostics were all associated with the dove.

Dove as the Holy Spirit

Christian art: the dove and the olive branch

When it comes to the esoteric level of the dove symbolism, the dove holding an olive branch has a little hint. All is revealed if you know what the olive branch truly represent.

The olive branch is a symbol the Cult of Aton. It's origins go to the early days of the Cult of Aton in ancient Egypt. More of this in the articles The olive branch and The owl.

Pharaoh Akhenaton offering an olive branch to the Sun god Aton

On esoteric level dove has nothing to do with peace - almost the contrary.

The word dove comes from the word david. In biblical context david refers to king David, the hero of the Jews who killed Goliath with a sling. Of course, this story has nothing to do with actual history. It's just one of the many pagan myths the Cult of Aton portrays as their own. In this case the origins go to ancient Ireland and the myth of the Sun god Lugh, who kills the evil one-eyed Balor in a similar fashion.  This story is much, much older than any Jewish or Christian tradition. The same motif was used by JRR Tolkien in his Lord of the Rings.

David defeats Goliath with a sling

Lugh defeats Balor with a sling

Sauron - the evil eye - gets destroyed by a brave little hobbit

There is very little historical evidence to support the claim that the biblical king David ever existed.
"There is not a single shred of evidence for any of the implausible biblical characters as they have been presented (Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Saul, Solomon, David, Aaron, and Jesus, etc). This is because they are later interpolations. They were designed to resemble earlier figures who wished to be remembered and lauded even though concealment was their over-arching priority. The bible is their story, their history, its many imperfections a clever mask of mystique designed to evoke reactions of awe, frustration, intrigue, and suspicion. Like tigers, the real figures have hidden behind the "tall grass" of history, so to speak."" - Michael Tsarion (The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2)

In historical context, david is not a name, but a title. Again, we go back to the ancient Egypt. In the 18th dynasty it was a title given to the military commanders. There was no one single David, but many davids.

"However, the title David (from DWD or TWT, meaning "Beloved" - hence TUTankhamen) has been found to refer to the kings of the Egyptian eighteenth dynasty, that is, to the Cult of Aton. The word david was a title given to military commanders. In other words, there was not one "David," but many. The word had a similar meaning to "General" "Field Marshal," or "Commander."" - Michael Tsarion (The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2)

This is why "the Elite" and its "high commanders" use the dove and the Star of David as their insignia.
"We also derive the word dove from David, and the white dove is a frequently used cryptic insignia for the "House" and "Seed" of David, (and therefore for the Cult of Aton). In Latin dove is columba, giving us the Knights of Columbus, the District of Columbia, Christopher Columbus, Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBS), and so on. The dove can also be seen on standards of the British Royal Family, on the Greenpeace logo, on Visa credit cards, and several other corporate emblems." Michael Tsarion (The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2)

Doves on the royal regalia of the British Crown

The pope posing for camera with a dove

The dove and king Edward VI - with masonic symbols

Dove in the OTO logo

Masonic symbolism: the dove

Dove in the Visa card

'Columba' = 'dove'

It's a very common misconception to say the Star of David is a Jewish symbol. It's actually an atonistic symbol. (Sure, Judaism is one branch of it.) It's the symbol of the davids - the commanders of the Cult of Aton.

Masonic symbolism: Star of David (with olive branches)

Star of David in the Grand Temple of Masonry in London

Star of David in the one dollar bill

Pope and the Star of David 

Camp David

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Cult of Aton - part 7: The Owl

There are many goddesses "The Elite" venerates. One of the most important of them is the goddess Athena from the Greek mythology. She is the same deity as the Roman goddess Minerva.


Greek coin with Athena and the owl

The symbol of Athena/Minerva is the owl. It represents wisdom, secret knowledge and ability to "see in the dark". That describes the modus operandi of "the Elite" and its many secret societies. They have the secret knowledge - you don't. It is no wonder the Freemasons and the Illuminati (operating from inside the masonic network) use this symbol.

Some examples:

Illuminati's owl

Owl in the masonic logo

Owl in the Bohemian Grove logo

The owl of the Bohemian Grove

The owl of the Capitol Hill in Washington DC

Micro-owl in the one dollar bill

The pope and the "owl face"

The owl is a very common symbol in the entertainment industry, which is very much controlled by the Illuminati. This is how they brand their puppets:

Justin Bieber and the owl tattoo

Katy Perry music video

Miley Cyrus

Rihanna and the owl on her shirt

Usher in a PR event

If you pay attention, you can see lots of owl symbolism in movies and TV-series:

Owl in The Huntsman: Winter's war

Owl in Harry Potter

Owl in The Labyrinth (1986)

Owl in The Vikings

Many times the owl is included in the picture so that you don't really see it.

The Big Bang Theory - owl next to the microwave oven

True Detective - owl on top of a beam

The Americans - owls in the table lamp

And of course Athena herself is a popular theme in "the Elite's" symbolism:


Austrian Euro coin with Athena

Dutch medallion with Athena

It is very well known that the secret societies use the owl symbol, but what is not so well known is its connection to the Cult of Aton. Investigating the history of the goddess Athena reveals one more link between the modern day "Elite" and ancient Egypt.

The hint is in the name. Athena was the tutelary deity of the city of Athens (Athênai). Both of the names (the city and the goddess) have their etymological origins in the Egyptian sun god Aton or Aten

And it's not just the name we're looking at. According to the Greek myth, Athena became the patron of Athens after a competition with Poseidon. From Wikipedia:

"Athena competed with Poseidon to become the patron deity of Athens, which was yet unnamed, in a version of one founding myth. They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and that the Athenians would choose the gift they preferred. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a salt water spring sprang up; this gave them a means of trade and water—Athens at its height was a significant sea power, defeating the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis—but the water was salty and not very good for drinking.
Athena, however, offered them the first domesticated olive tree. The Athenians (or their king, Cecrops) accepted the olive tree and with it the patronage of Athena, for the olive tree brought wood, oil, and food."

Yes, olive tree - one of the important symbols of the Cult of Aton. (More of that in the article The olive branch.)

Akhenaton offering an olive branch to Aton

Athens is a very, very old city. We don't have precise dates when it was established. The mainstream historians say the area was inhabited as early as 4th millennium BC. The facts that we do have (named after Aton, the olive branch) strongly imply that Athens was very closely connected to the Hyksos of the Lower Egypt. 

The first king of Athens was Cecrops, the king mentioned in the myth of the origins of the city. His reign was 1556-1506 BC. The Egyptian civil war that lead to the expelling of the Aton worshiping Hyksos nobility was in 1550 BC - 6 years after Cecrops became the king of Athens.

Cecrops' name was not a Greek name, so obviously he was a foreigner. So, a foreign king, naming the city after Aton, and the story of the olive tree. I wonder where he came from? 

You do the math.